Hello! We're thrilled that you've decided to try Table Tailor and hope you'll love the app.
The aim of this tutorial is to guide you through the whole process of creating a seating plan for a fictional wedding using Table Tailor.
By the end of the tutorial, you will have created an event like the one shown here.
If you'd like to follow along, follow the instructions marked with this icon:
Tip: A complete version of the demo event that we create in the tutorial is also available within the app for you to play around with. You can reset this at any time, so don't be afraid to try things out.
Before we get started, it is helpful to understand the main areas of the app and how they relate. Below is an overview of everything we'll learn:
Table Tailor can be used to plan a variety of events. Each event holds completely separate information and you can switch between them at any time by pressing the name of the event above the main tab bar.
e.g. "Peter & Sophie's Wedding", "Work Christmas Party"
Each event has a list of guests that will be attending. You can save specific notes for each guest and organise them using groups and tags (described below).
e.g. "Peter Smith", "Sophie Wood"
Guests can (optionally) be assigned to a group, which helps to organise the guest list by displaying each group together (such as a family).
e.g. "Peter & Sophie", "Smith Family"
Guests can (optionally) be assigned any number of tags. Tags are another flexible way to organise / find guests and keep track of things that they may have in common.
e.g. "grooms-family", "vegetarian", "uni-friends"
Each table has a specific shape and number of seats, which can hold guests. Tables can have specific names or just be numbered.
e.g. "Table 1", "Top Table", "Kids' table"
Rules allow you to specify who should (or shouldn't) sit together (either next to each other, or on the same table).
e.g. "Peter must sit next to Sophie", "Smith family must sit together", "Sally would rather not sit on the same table as Steve"
Each event can contain one or more "plans", with each plan containing different tables and seating positions.
Creating multiple plans allows you to experiment and compare different options before deciding which is the best option. For example, different combinations of people on a table, or different shapes/sizes of tables.
e.g. "Best Plan", "Lots of smaller tables", "Team members mixed together"